Stone one

Stone One


Cookies policy

Cookies Policy

1. Introduction - Data obtained via microdata (cookies)

1.1 The Website uses small files called cookies to help us customize your experience. Cookies are small text files that contain information, which are sent by the website management software and stored on the computer hard drive or in the storage space of each User's mobile device. The sending of the microdata is performed when you visit the Website. This information may include the type of server used by each User, the type of computer, its operating system, ISPs, and other such information.

1.2 Microdata do not damage either your computer or your mobile device or the files stored on them and they do not access any document or file from the User's computer. The microdata cannot reveal the identity of the User but may be used to identify his computer.

1.3 Microdata are typically classified into session microdata (functionality microdata) and permanent microdata. Session microdata do not remain on the User's computer when it exits the website or browser. The permanent micro-data are the ones that remain on the User's computer in order to allow its recognition by the Website and to facilitate its navigation on it. Permanent microdata can be deleted by the user himself.

1.4 The use of microdata is technically necessary for the complete realization of the User's connection to the Website. For this reason, before browsing the Website, the User is invited to accept the storage of microdata files on his computer, according to Section 5 paragraph 3 of Directive 2002/58 / EC, as transmitted into Greek law and in accordance with Section 6 of the GDPR 679/2016 which stipulates that data collection is possible for a legal reason.

1.5 The website of the Limited Liability Company under the title "Galdania Investments Ltd", owner of the TheStoneOne trademark (hereinafter TheStoneOne) based at 109 Omono Str, Limassol 3045 Cyprus e-mail: info(at) - tel.: +34 6515 63441, VAT No: CY10283072N can utilize microdata for various purposes, such as:

(a) To conduct surveys for statistical reasons and / or to improve the content and services of the Website and / or to assess its effectiveness as well as to record the current trends of public opinion.

(b) For marketing purposes in order to measure the effectiveness of the advertisements on our Website, how visitors use it, as well as for the display of ads related to the website of TheStoneOne on other websites, based on the previous visits of the User in it.

(c) Ability to present and operate advertising messages (banners).

(d) Social networking microdata.

1.6 TheStoneOne can use web beacons (also called transparent GIF files, pixels or action tags, web bugs). These technologies are codes that provide a small graphical representation of a website or e-mail. Web beacons can identify certain types of information on your computer, such as microdata, the date and time a page was viewed, and a description of the page where the web beacon is located. In general, any file that was part of a website can act as a web beacon. Web beacons are used for monitoring and statistical purposes. Third parties may also use web beacons on the Website to obtain audit, research and reporting information or to understand the User's interests and to tailor these advertisements.

1.7 Some of the third-party partners of the Website may use Flash type data, otherwise known as Locally Shared Objects (LSOs). Flash microdata is used to identify the User's interests through the Sections consulted and more generally to monitor user behavior. LSOs ​​maintain data sets such as microdata, stored in a directory on a user's computer, and are installed through Adobe Flash Player.

2. In more detail - Cookies

2.1 On our websites we use the so-called microdata (cookies) based on Section 6 (1) (f) of the GDPR.

Our interest in optimizing our website should be considered legal within the meaning of the aforementioned provision. Microdata are small files that are stored on your terminal device (computer, laptop, tablet, smartphone, etc.) when you visit our website. Microdata do not damage your terminal device, do not contain viruses, trojan programs, or other malicious programs. Information which arises each time in relation to the specific terminal device used is stored in the microdata. This does not mean that we have immediate knowledge of your identity because of them. The use of microdata aims on the one hand to offer you a more comfortable use. For this reason, we use the so-called session microdata to acknowledge that you have already visited individual pages of the website. These are automatically deleted as soon as you leave our website. In addition, we use temporary microdata for ease of use, which are stored for a specified period of time on your terminal device. If you visit our page again to use our services, we automatically acknowledge that you have already visited us, what entries / settings you have made, so that you do not have to do the same thing again.

On the other hand, we use the microdata to statistically analyze the use of our website in order to optimize our offer and display information that is specifically tailored to you. These microdata allow us to automatically acknowledge on your next visit to our website that you have visited us again. These microdata are automatically deleted after a predetermined period of time that normally does not exceed six (6) months. Most web browsers automatically accept microdata. However, you can set up your web browser so that microdata are not stored on your terminal device, or a sign is constantly displayed before a new microdata is saved. However, the complete deactivation of the microdata may result in the inability to use some functions of our website.

2.2 Google Analytics Purposes of data processing / legal bases:

For the purpose of customizing and continuously optimizing our websites, we use in accordance with Section 6 (1) (f) GDPR, Google Analytics, a web analytics service of Google Inc. ("Google"). Our legal interest arises from the stated purposes. In this context, "pseudonymously" user profiles are created, and cookies are used. The microdata record the following information about the use of this website:

• internet browser type / version

• operating system used

• Url reference (ie the previous page you visited)

• Access computer name and Internet Protocol (IP) address

• Server request time.

The information is used to evaluate the use of our websites, to report on website activities and to provide additional services related to the use of the website and the internet for the purposes of market research and the configuration of such websites, according to the needs. Internet Protocol (IP) addresses become anonymous so that they cannot be mapped by deleting one or more digits (called IP-masking).

The information is used to evaluate the use of our websites, to report on website activities and to provide additional services related to the use of the website and the internet for the purposes of market research and the configuration of such websites, according to the needs. Internet Protocol (IP) addresses become anonymous so that they cannot be mapped by deleting one or more digits (called IP-masking).

You can prevent the installation of microdata by setting up your web browser accordingly. However, we would like to point out that in this case it may not be possible to use all the features of this website. You may also prevent the analysis of data generated by the microdata relating to the use of this website (including the web protocol address) as well as the processing of such data by Google if you download and install this extension in the Chrome web browser of Google. Instead of the above web browser extension, you can also block Google Analytics analysis if you choose this link, especially for mobile browsers. This creates an opt-out cookie, which prevents future analysis of your data when you visit this website. The exception microdata only applies to this web browser and only to our website and is stored only on your device. If you delete the microdata from this web browser, you will need to re-save the exception microdata. More information about data protection in relation to Google Analytics can be found on the Google Analytics website.

Recipients / categories of recipients:

The information generated by the microdata is transmitted to a Google server in the USA and stored there. In no case will your Internet Protocol (IP) address be merged with any other data from Google. This information may also be passed on to third parties if required to do so by law or if such data is processed by authorization.

Storage duration / criteria for determining the storage duration:

After "anonymizing" the web protocol address, it is no longer possible to connect with your person. Data generated for statistical purposes are deleted from Google Analytics after 50 months. Reports based on Google Analytics are no longer referenced in person.

2.3 Website targeting and website optimization

Purposes of data processing / legal bases:

On our website, the information is analyzed and evaluated using microdata in order to optimize our websites and the advertisements displayed on them. In this way, in particular, it is ensured that only the advertisement that is tailored to your real or supposed interests based on the usage behavior so far will be displayed on your terminal device. The information processed for these purposes contains, for example, information about the products you are interested in. The legal basis for such data processing is Section 6 (1) (f) of the GDPR. Therefore, the optimization of our websites in order to have a better shopping experience and to avoid advertisements that are not of interest to you is in the interest of both us and you. The analysis and evaluation are carried out exclusively under a pseudonym and does not allow us to identify you. In particular, the information is not merged with your personal data.

Recipients / categories of recipients:

Recipients of the data are the above-mentioned service providers, who process your data on a contractual basis only for a specific purpose and in accordance with our instructions.

Storage duration / criteria for determining the storage duration:

The Microdata used and the information contained in them are stored in accordance with the Microdata Policy (Cookies) and are deleted immediately in case of objection.

2.4 Re-targeting Purposes of data processing / legal bases

We also use the re-targeting technologies of various providers. This allows us to shape our online offer in an interesting way for you. For this purpose, a microdata is created, with which data of interest are collected using a pseudonym. In this case, information about navigation behavior for anonymous marketing purposes is collected and stored in microdata files on your computer and analyzed by an algorithm. It is then possible to display targeted product recommendations and personalized advertising banners with our products that are of interest to you on the websites of our partners. In no case can this data be used to identify the visitor of the website. No direct personal data is processed, and no user profiles are merged with personal data. Such data processing shall be carried out in accordance with Section 6 (1) (f) of the GDPR. With the above measures we use, we want to ensure that only the ad that is tailored to your real or supposed interests will appear on your terminal devices. It is in our interest as well as yours not to burden you with indifferent advertising.

If, however, you do not wish to have a personalized advertising banner of the online store of TheStoneOne, you can oppose this collection and storage of data for the future, as follows:

• By selecting the symbol that appears on each advertising banner (eg "i") you will go to the respective website of the provider. There, the systematic retargeting technology is clarified again and the possibility of canceling the registration (opt-out) is provided. If you unsubscribe from a provider, the so-called exception microdata is stored on your computer, which prevents the provider's banner ad from appearing in the future. Please note that this unsubscribe can only be done from your computer and the exception exception data may not be deleted from your computer and if for any reason they are deleted you will inevitably have to repeat the exclusion procedure.

• Alternatively, you can use the objections presented in section 7.5 of these data protection terms.

Recipients / categories of recipients:

We use on our website re-targeting technologies of various providers, which process the above-mentioned data within this framework. Further information on the microdata used by these providers can be found in the Cookies Policy.

Storage duration / criteria for determining the storage duration:

The microdata used for the purposes of the re-targeting and the information contained therein are stored for as long as the Microdata Policy states and are then automatically deleted.

2.5 Opt-out

You can prevent the re-targeting technologies discussed in 7.3 and 7.4 by adjusting the microdata in your web browser accordingly (see also section 7.1). At the same time you have the ability to block personalized advertising based on interests with the help of the so-called Preference Manager or the activation of the available exception metadata.

2.6 Non-EU recipients

With the exception of the processing described in point 7, we do not provide your data to recipients based outside the European Union or the European Economic Area. The processing referred to in point 7 leads to the transmission of data to the servers of the “tracking and targeting technology providers” authorized by us. Some servers are located in the United States (information can be found in the respective reports for these recipients). The transmission of data is carried out in accordance with the principles of the so-called Privacy Shield as well as on the basis of the so-called Standard Contractual Clauses of the European Commission.

2.7 For any issue or question related to the Cookies Policy or issues concerning his/her personal data, the User may contact the Data Protection Officer Tsilonis-Vogiatzoglou Law Firm (Newlaw), 10 Tsimiski St., 546 24 Thessaloniki, Greece, tel. 2310 551 501, fax: 2310 261 503, e-mail: